Batumi Raptor Count in British Birds
On top of that, my picture of a typical Batumi scene made it to the BB front cover!
Super stoked to announce the publication of our article on Batumi Raptor Count in the most recent British Birds.
“[…] the current August issue of British Birds contains a long paper on Batumi Raptor Count. It summarises the 12-year history of BRC, provides a detailed description of a typical autumn migration season, and outlines some of our education and conservation plans for the future.”
The article will become available open access at some point in the upcoming months, but for now it is exclusively for British Birds subscribers.
Read more on the Batumi Raptor Count website.
Edit March 23rd, 2021: The article, and a translation in Flemish/Dutch is now available open access, for everyone to read. Read it here.
Edit April 21st, 2023: The article is now also translated for the Russian-speaking audience. Once again, available open access, for everyone to read. Read it here.
Presenting first results of Batumi Raptor Count at the 2019 Dutch Ornithological Union (NOU) congress
Last weekend I had the pleasure of presenting the first results of more than a decade of monitoring raptors in the Batumi bottleneck by Batumi Raptor Count. As this was a presentation on the bi-annual (once per 2 years) congress of the Dutch Ornithological Union (NOU), the presentation is in Dutch and can be found on Figshare by clicking here or on any of the slides below.